- I was a big part of the 49’ers. (Chinese immigrants)
- In 2028, 99.7 NOW-FM will be playing (music position) (fortune)
- There are more than 28 places to get me in the Bay Area (“28” it’s going to mess with people after the previous clue)
- People used to do this in Las Vegas (“pull” slots. You need to pull with both hands to open the seal)
- This is how laws are enacted (bills. You get the fortune cookie with your bill)
- I come with a boat. (a slip to park in. Fortunes are on slips of paper)
- One word: “rules”. (things you break)
- Red and white are often my accompanying colors (take out cartons)
- People flocked to northern California, seeking this (fortune)
- This might happen if you change the wattage in your bulbs (it could dim some)
- A style of pork product (chop. Chopsticks)
- For Tom, the sky is the limit (Tom Cruise, Vanilla Sky, vanilla is a key ingredient)
- There are a lotto clues to sift through to win this sound. (Lotto numbers are often on the slips)
- For some people. Mt. Diablo blocks the rising sun (Fortune cookies originated in JAPAN, not China.)
- Some people believe that crystals give you magical powers. (Crystal balls)
- Today we’re going to teach you a new word: “WIN!” (They sometimes have “new words” on fortune cookies)
- People loved me on Victorious (Jade. Found in Chinese restaurants)
- There are a lot of delicious dishes that can be made with taro root (tarot CARDS tell the future)
- You might do this on a freshly washed floor (slip)
- I have a lot in common with oysters (you crack open and there could be a fortune inside)
- Some felines are just luckier than others (the lucky cat that you find in a lot of Chinese restaurants)
- Kids love these
- Lifes fantastic, wrapped in plastic
- Gymnasts are told to do this (stick the landing. Chop sticks)
- Some people see this as a meat alternative (soy)
- A type of drive (thumb. You use your thumbs to pull open the packet and then crack it)
- You can get these at Target (I had to Google but yes, you can)
- If you fall off your bike but don’t get hurt because you were wearing your helmet, you’re….. (fortunate)
- This is part of a very popular frozen treat (cookies and cream)
- Josh made a big mistake (in the movie he asked Zoltar the fortune teller to make him big)
- This is a place in New York where you can see lots of live entertainment (Broadway) (Chinatown is bordered by Broadway)
- It’s something that rolls around every March (Spring rolls)
- This won’t help you with things you need to scratch. (The lotto numbers are not for scratch off games)
- Today’s new word to learn: “MONEY” (the learn a new word thing on the slips)
- There were two of these politicians (Bush borders Chinatown on the south)
- Sometimes this is included with the bill (given at the end of the meal)
- When you have a GREAT alibi (it’s airtight, like the plastic packaging)
- Often there’s a metal handle that accompanies me (on the take out carton)
- 500 companies can’t be wrong (Fortune 500)
- My nickname in grade school was Pac Man (because they look like Pac Man from the side)
- If you have a cold, they say that tea helps. (tea always comes with Chinese food)
- Why couldn’t the answer have been included with the sound? (On the slip)
- If you broke it up, it could sound like a number of songs (four tunes)
- Some celebrities have an additional price tag (the cost of fame and fortune)
- I’m something that you might delete (cookies)
- Something that is done with your fingers (cracking knuckles)
- One of the benefits of going to a Red Cross drive. (You get a cookie after donating)
- People will hold on to me (save the fortunes)
- One of the two most popular ice cream flavors (vanilla)
- It’s fun to watch me get built (the fortune cookie place in China Town.)
- Some people seek me looking for hope (the fortune.)
- A good entrepreneur can do this (Make a fortune)